About me
vituri.vituri@gmail.com / https://github.com/vituri
Doctor of Philosophy – Topological Data Analysis
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) / Ohio State University (OSU) 2016 — 2020
- I spent six months at the Ohio State University under Facundo Mémoli supervision.
- We generalized the Vietoris-Rips and Cech constructions using “motifs”: families of graphs that can be attached to metric spaces (more generally, networks) and generate simplicial complexes. As a corollary, we obtain several clustering methods on graphs.
- The resulting work is “Motivic constructions on graphs and networks with stability results” and can be found here.
Master Degree – Algebraic Topology
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) 2014 — 2015
- I studied a certain subgroup of the fundamental group, called “Gottlieb group”, and proved some results about its properties. The dissertation can be found here.
Bachelor in Mathematics
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) 2010 — 2013
R/shiny developer
Appsilon Feb 2025 – today
Head of Intelligence
Argus Solutions Jan 2020 – Jan 2025
I founded the area of Data at Argus, and my role was crucial as the company went from a small-sized tech to a multinational. My team now has more than 12 people as diverse as developers, data scientists, engineers and mathematicians. I act as a manager, code reviewer, project manager, machine learning engineer, DevOps, R/Julia developer and database administrator. I can do a bit of everything.
We went from hundreds of Excel files to a MariaDB database on AWS. I designed the database, its indexes and applied some normal forms.
I wrote dozens of R/Julia scripts to read and write data from several sources and created a pipeline of information that ran smoothly
I automated the generation and mailing of thousands of daily/weekly reports using RMarkdown and Sendgrid, which previously was done by 3 people.
I created several analytics dashboards using the
framework, in place of a former Tableau dashboard. I also developed the main platform used by the team to analyze photos/videos.We created a machine learning model that predicts if a driver is going to sleep in the next hour, using an ensemble of models with
.I created a webserver in Julia using Oxygen.jl to read data from several APIs and write they in our databases. A previous version of this code was written in R and each iteration took almost 4 minutes; it was reduced to 5 seconds in Julia using some paralellism magic.
I participated in the creation of many computer vision algorithms to detect cellphones, drowsiness, potholes and gestures using
and YOLO.I interviewed and hired people, managed the team and developed the abilities we needed to finish our projects.
: I use several of these packages everyday; I am “fluent” indplyr
and many others. I prefer to useecharts4r
instead ofggplot2
. Withdbplyr
, I can translate many complicated transformations to SQL in a painless way.shiny
: I explored a lot of theshiny
ecosystem since 2018: fromshinydashboard
to the newbslib
, usingshinyWidgets
. I can create dashboards, CRUDS, user interfaces, display photos/videos and maps. Async and parallelism are a bit painful but can be done withfuture
.I am also very familiar with
to manipulate graphs,leaflet
to plot maps,httr2
to make gets and posts,plumber
to create APIs,reticulate
to interface Python.I can create packages, documentation and tests. Unfortunately, my best packages are private but a public example can be found here.
Coding in Julia is a joy and make R/Python look like unpolished old languages used by barbarians.
I started learning Julia to write some Topological Data Analysis algorithms and the result was impressive, even with my initial poor skills.
I am the owner of the JuliaTDA organization which aims to bring the Topological Data Analysis ecosystem to Julia. I wrote the Mapper and Ball Mapper algorithms in Julia and the documentation in Quarto, and later also wrote the ToMATo algorithm.
Building JuliaTDA, I was able to get familiar with parallelism, code piracy, structs, multiple dispatch, profiling (memory allocations and algorithm efficiency) and plotting tools like Plots and Makie.
The book “Hands-On Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia” is my bible, and I am rewriting all my previous code using what I learned there.
Since I like the tidyverse so much, I am now part of the TidierOrg: a 100% Julia organization inspired by R data tools. I am the main contributor to TidierIteration.jl, a Julia version of R’s
.Since I like Quarto so much, I created a package that helps writing Julia documentation with it: QuartoDocBuilder. Its own documentation is written in Quarto!
I can create and manage EC2 instances, use S3 to storage and query data, create databases in RDS and create dashboards with metrics.
I created a facial recognition system of unlabeled drivers using S3 and Rekognition.
Recently I moved several R/Julia/Python scripts from EC2 to ECS services, providing a reproducible and isolated environment for each code. While doing this, I learned how to create images with Docker, building them with EC2 Image Builder and storing it all in ECR.
- I can read code and port it to another language when necessary; I never had the need to write pure-Python code, but can learn it easily if needed. Using R’s
and Julia’sPythonCall.jl
, I was able to use many Python packages elsewhere.
I used a lot of
to generate a wide range of dashboards, reports and analysis. Now I prefer to use Quarto because of its many cool features (sites, blogs and dashboards) and easiness to use with Julia.I am writing a book called Topological Data Analysis with Julia while I implement several TDA algorithms in JuliaTDA.
Talks, workshops and papers
Paper: Motivic clustering schemes for directed graphs (2020, published in ArXiv, with Facundo Mémoli).
Talk: Topology meets the real world: how geometry can help us analyse finite metric spaces (2023, at the Workshop of Algebraic Topology and Applications).
Workshop: Topological Data Analysis workshop (2024, at the XXIII Brazilian Topology Meeting).
Paper: Remote sensing to quantify potential aquifer recharge as a complementary tool for groundwater monitoring (2024, published in Hydrological Sciences Journal), co-author.