
quarto_build_site(module_name; kwargs...)

Create all the files necessary to build the Quarto website for the first time.


  • module_name: your module’s name.
  • kwargs...: kwargs passed to quarto_yaml.


This function does a lot of things!

  • Create the docs directory, if it doesn’t exist.

  • Create docs/_quarto.yaml, which is the file that contains all information about how to render the website as a Quarto project.

  • Create the directory docs/reference and the file docs/reference.qmd if they don’t exist.

  • Create the directory docs/tutorials and the file docs/tutorials.qmd if they don’t exist, together with docs/tutorials/tutorial-01.qmd.

  • Copy your README.md file as docs/index.qmd.

  • Create docs/styles.css with some predefined styles.

  • Create a .qmd file in docs/reference for each object in module_name.