
QuartoDocBuilder.jl is a package inspired by R pkgdown. It provides an easy way to generate a website with documentation and vignettes, by creating a Quarto project.

Being powered by Quarto means that deploying to Github pages, customizing the style and many more things are taken for granted. This website doc even has a comment section! Check some examples here and the complete list of options here.

The Quarto website itself is written with Quarto! Check the github repo here to get some inspiration.


Easy configuration

Install the latest Quarto version, ]add QuartoDocBuilder, run quarto_build_site and you are done. It’s up to you write the best doc ever!

Comment section

Every page can have a commentary section. Let people speak! By default, QuartoDocBuilder.jl provides Discus, which is the easiest to configure.

Scientific Markdown

Inline code, LaTeX equations and citations, cross-references, figure panels, callouts, advanced page layout, comment sections and so on. It’s time to write some \(e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0\)!

Websites and Books

Want to publish your really nice tutorial in an online book? Or make a blog? Or a Word document? Or a pdf with LaTeX? Well, use the same files and render the project with Quarto!


With a bit of .css magic you can customize almost everything! Why not put a spinning raccoon in the middle of a serious text?


By default, QuartoDocBuilder uses the julia engine provided by QuartoNotebookRunner.jl, but you can use Jupyter and be able to run R and Python code along with Julia in the same document!